Propaganda: Final Image #3

For my third final image I decided to do an image of V from ‘V for Vendetta. I looked at images from the movie and took somethings from that to begin with for my images.

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I got the idea of having the word ‘revolution’ from the image above and I replaced the ‘v’ with the trademark sign used by V to let the British tyranny know that he’s been at a particular place.


I also looked towards this image for reference and to be able to recreate the mask more accurately. I also got the idea of the almost all black background here but I decided to put some light source to the right side to make it seem like he’s holding a torch from the side or someone shone a light on that side and caught him sneaking around planning things that would cause chaos for the government.


The mask, nowadays, is associated with anonymity and are used more by people protesting against controversial stuff and they don’t want to be recognized. Internet hacking societies also use this mask as their trademark because ,I think, of the movie.



I created this on Adobe Photoshop CC using the basic tools and did the typography on my own.

After getting some feedback I  have decided create a different approach towards the final image and used the anonymous groups logo as an inspiration, I also used the recent events as inspiration.

Updated Final Image below:


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